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September 19, 2003

12:33 p.m.: Not Again

Last night I had yet another breakdown and of course Matt was there. My depression is determined to make me appear as weird and as bi-polar as possible in front of him. I was fine all day yesterday, in fact I have been having a really good week. My attitude toward life and myself in general has been positive. But then I guess I hit the wall. Its not easy being positive when your brain is fighting so hard against it.

I realize it is not my fault; it�s my brain chemistry. I just have not found the correct combination of medication. But I still felt ashamed, like I had taken two steps backward when it felt like I was finally moving forward. Matt is just so confused now. He is so determined to help me but when I get sad and weepy I don�t want him around, I�m embarrassed and just want to be alone. At the same time though I don�t want him to leave...he thinks he is confused...try being on this side of it. Here I am physically pushing him out the door as I begin to cry even harder because he is leaving!

I am just waiting for the moment when he gets tired of dating Jeckyel and Hyde and leaves me for a nice normal girl, if they exist anymore.