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October 07, 2003

3:32 p.m.: My Life as a House

I finally reached the breaking point with my rapid weight gain as of late. I was getting ready for work yesterday and when I looked in the mirror the first thing that came into my mind was �my life as a house�. I have had thoughts like this before but this time I decided to take action. After work I drove to Weight Watchers and joined. After paying my money, weighing in (having a small heart attack) and getting my materials I was told that I should stay for that nights meeting. I overcame my inclination to run for the hills and plopped myself in a chair in the back of the room. I expected the meeting to follow the stereotypical AA format, �Hi, my name is Stephanie and I like to eat ice cream for breakfast��and I was right. Nametags were worn, awards were given for those that had lost weight, a short lesson on how to take charge over your weight was given and people shared new recipes they had discovered over the past week. The oddest part was that I was enjoying myself. A Weight Watchers meeting is the ultimate for a people watcher. I found myself making elaborate scenarios staring my fellow chubby attendees. The lady in front of me with the heavily frosted Dolly Parton type do and the Keds with no shoelaces, is allowed one outside activity away form the Psych ward of the nearby hospital and she chooses Weight Watchers so she can marvel at how the scale works. And I wont even go into the man behind me with the mullet who had a monical dangling from a gold chain around his neck.

I also love seeing before and after shots of people who have lost large amounts of weight. They look like completely different people, and I suppose that if I lost the weight and looked completely different I could act or be completely different as well and this fascinates me: outside change spurring inner change.

All in all I am glad I signed on and attended the meeting. The program itself is complicated, but I am pretty sure I can figure it out. I don�t have to stay away from carbs or drink a shake two times a day and that makes me happy.

The best part was coming home and telling Gretchen. She got this sneaky smile on her face and asked �So tell me, how fat was the fattest person there?�