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October 21, 2003

1:57 p.m.: Laundry

I had my weekly WW meeting last night. I was so excited to get on the scale and see how much progress I had made. Somehow I managed to neither loose nor gain weight, I stayed EXACTLY the same, down to the ounce. I am not sure how this is possible seeing as thought I have been measuring everything I put into my mouth and walking 4 days a week not to mention drinking about 100 oz of water a day. After I got off the scale the WW gal congratulated me on my maintenance. I wanted to tell her that if my aim was to maintain my off the chart weight I wouldn�t have joined Weight Watcher�s, but I held back.

I am wearing a ridiculous combination of clothing today and I feel silly. I am currently experiencing a laundry crisis and for the past week or so I have been scrounging for things to wear to work. Today I am modeling a gray London novelty T-shirt, a long green skirt my mother bought me that my co-workers have named my �Grandma skirt� and blue sequenced flip-flops. The look is unsettling and I have been thankful all day that I do not have to deal directly with the public. I have a thing about doing laundry in public facilities. I try to wait until I go home to visit my family to wash my clothes but this time around I don�t think I will make it. It doesn�t help that the washer in my apartment complex only has the capability to run with cold water but I don�t think I would use it even if it were fully functioning. I suppose I will either have to make a trip down south to my parents mid-week (a 3 hour drive) or cave and take my laundry to the local mat. Deep down I know that neither of these are a real possibility so I suppose I will just have to be content wearing either an old Halloween costume or my bridesmaid dress tomorrow.