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November 04, 2003

1:12 p.m.: Test

Well, my test is over; done, finished�I am so relieved. Since the test is completely on computer it computes a rough score for you on the spot after you are finished, I was too nervous to see how I did so when that screen came up I closed my eyes and then left the room. They will be mailing me my scores as well and I figured that I would rather revel or break down in tears in the comfort of my own home rather than in the test center. So now all I have left for my application are my letters of recommendation. As I predicted none of my letter writers have completed their letters on time. The deadline I set for them was October 31st and I have yet to receive one back. I actually got a call from one of them on the deadline day telling me that he had just found my packet I sent to him requesting him to write me a letter. Just found? I mailed that sucker over a month ago and we had discussed the letter over the phone numerous times. Sometimes I wonder how people are able to function in the world when they cannot even complete the simplest of tasks.

Thanks to everyone who gave me advice concerning the whole �Matt doesn�t make me feel special issue�. We ended up having a long talk about everything. He admitted to taking me for granted and letting things slide in terms of our relationship rather than confront them and work them out. He agreed to work on this and the last few days have gone by smoothly. I just hope that all of our issues get resolved before I move down south for school because nothing aggravates existing problems more than distance.

Changing gears�I have a cold. I am not a good sick person, I get cranky and tell any person willing to listen that I am dying. On top of all this, this is the first cold I have had, or more specifically the first runny nose I have had, since I got my nose pierced. There is nothing quite like walking around with little bits of tissue hanging from your nose that have gotten caught on the stud.