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November 06, 2003

3:37 p.m.: The OC

I am 24 years old and I am obsessed with the TV show The OC . I haven�t been this involved in a TV show since Beverly Hills 90210. When the show first came out I mocked it heavily, mocked it without having even watched a single episode. I grew up in Orange County, my parents still live there and I was convinced that the show would not portray the true OC�how wrong I was.

Two weeks ago I took a break from studying to watch some TV. The only thing that was on that Sunday afternoon was the OC marathon that was hyping the season premiere that Wednesday. I decided to watch a bit a see what all the fuss was about. I sat on my futon and watched the whole damn marathon; 6 hours of a show I was determined to hate but that quickly won me over. It helps that the character Ryan resembles a young Russell Crowe who has been my fantasy husband for some time now but other things drew me in. I am a sucker for Romeo and Juliet plots and unrequited love scenarios plus the show just doesn�t focus just on the teenagers, the parents have a pretty detailed sub-plot.

As for an accurate portrayal of life in the OC, I have to admit that I grew up knowing my fair share of snobby rich kids, the houses greatly resemble ones in my parents neighborhood and I know friends Dads that go surfing every morning before work�god that sounds pretentious.