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November 24, 2003

2:37 p.m.: Math is my enemy, it must be destroyed!

I am going crazy�want to come?

I received a call from my graduate school of choice today. The nice man on the other end of the phone introduced himself as Paul and proceeded to tell me that he would be my application advisor. Everything was received okay and everything looked good, everything but my GMAT score. It appears as though I completely bombed the test. Well, at least I completely bombed the math portion. Even with all my preparation and help from Matt I had managed to receive the lowest score on the Math section that Paul had ever seen�yeah me. He did however tell me that I had also received one of the highest verbal scores he has ever seen so I should at least be proud of that. Well, I wasn�t.

Paul said with a score as low as mine I am almost guaranteed denial of admission to the school. So, what to do. Well, I have to put my application on hold and take the test again before the application deadline in January. I have to raise my score by 170 points to meet the minimum score that the school requires. Paul told me that to raise my score this much I would have to take a prep course. After hanging up with Paul I went online to check on courses. Of course, all the courses last nine weeks and seeing as though I do not have nine weeks these were out. I decided to call the prep course people and see if they had a condensed version of the class or maybe one just on math. They didn�t, but they do offer tutors that can work around your schedule and such. I opted for this. Now the catch, for 15 hours of tutoring the price is $2000. Yes that�s a 2 followed by 3 zeros. Seeing as though I do not have $2000 I did what any other OC brat would do, I called the parents.

Luckily my Mom puts school at the top of the list and saw the $2000 as an investment into my continued education, as I would need a higher test score to get into any school not just the aforementioned. She agreed to help with the tutoring costs so now I am scheduled to have math lessons twice a week until my test date. God I hope this helps!