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December 05, 2003

9:40 a.m.: Trying to Cope

So here is the scoop. Matt has decided that he is not sure whether or not he wants to be in a relationship right now, news to me. He thinks it would be best if we take a little break, which means not seeing each other and limited phone calls. The last few days have been a little emotional for me to say the least. It is difficult to wait around while the love of your life trying to decide if he wants to be with you anymore. I can understand somewhat were he is coming from. He has so much on his plate right now and our relationship has not been the best lately. But I figure if you love someone (as he tells me he still does) then you should be willing to do whatever it takes to make the relationship work. I truly believe that our relationship can be better; it would just take a little more effort and communication.

Matt and I have been together for a year and four months. We are both each other�s first relationship. I love him and was ready to spend the rest of my life with him.

Tonight is my company�s Christmas Party, an event Matt was supposed to attend with me. I have decided to go anyway with Gretchen as my date. She has been so great through all of this. I am so lucky to have her as my best friend.