1 comments so far
December 09, 2003

1:38 p.m.: The Saga Continues

Boy my entries have been depressing lately. Why break the cycle�I went downtown to Christmas shop last night after work (I decided to ditch my WW meeting because I was super bad last week and could not handle anymore disappointment). I managed to find a few key gifts and then decided to visit the Three Dog Bakery to make myself feel better. I was chitchatting with the gal behind the counter and discovered that there is a local dog program where after a short orientation you can sign out dogs to take out for the day and even keep over night! She described it as the perfect way to get your dog fix and I agree, I have a dog but since I am not allowed pets in my apartment building she lives with my parents.

I was way excited and without thinking I called Matt, he is a dog lover too and would probably be the only other person who would understand my excitement. I got his voicemail and proceeded to leave a babbling message in which I apologized several times for calling and ending with a hurried comment about not needing to call me back. He did call back and he sounded miserable. This pissed me off. He is the one who has decided on this whole break thing. He is the one who implemented the not seeing each other and limited phone call rules, why is he so depressed, I should be the one who sounds suicidal not him. We chatted for a few minutes, he asked about my tutoring, which was nice. I kept the conversation as short as possible. Before hanging up he asked if he could call me later this week, I said he could if he wanted to then we hung up.

Later that night I realized I forgot to ask him if we were still getting together Wednesday night so I text messaged him. He replied with the following, �I think that would still work, or on Thursday�. Oh, sorry do not want to disrupt your plans, I only have not seen you in over a week and nothing is resolved yet, excuse me for wanting to see you. A little harsh maybe but oh well, I�m distraught damn it. I wrote that whatever worked out for him was fine, he didn�t write me back. Could this situation be any more difficult?


The catalogs continue. Last night Gretchen received International Male (thank you to Ms. Meli-Melo for the idea). She still has no idea that its me and I am trying to think of a clever way of telling her�suggestions would be appreciated.