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December 11, 2003

11:53 a.m.: Lunch

So today is the big day. Matt is coming to the office to take me out to lunch. It will be the first time I have seen him in over a week, which is a long time for us. We have been talking more lately (mostly because I have been ignoring the limited phone call rule and calling him) which has been nice, I miss hearing his voice. Then I believe we are getting together after I get off work so we can really talk about things. God I hope he is not taking me out to officially dump me because that would really suck.


I got the most anger inducing email today by way of the Webmaster. Apparently this mother, who was previously a big fan of my company�s books, has now decided to never read any again or have her child read them due to a particular poem she came across in the newest title. The poem is about a girl who learns that her best friend is a lesbian and how she comes to accept it. This mother was outraged that we would print such a poem and went on to state �My daughter would become friends with a lesbian for the two seconds it would take her to tell this girl she was lost, condemned and going to hell�. What is this woman afraid of? Is her daughter going to read this poem and then decide to become a lesbian herself? Heaven forbid that her daughter should broaden her vision of the world and realize that people are different and have different lifestyles and whether or not you agree with those lifestyles you can still practice acceptance.