2 comments so far
December 18, 2003

2:30 p.m.: Love vs. Making Love

Matt thought he might be able to express his feelings more if we took our relationship slower. Being willing to do whatever it takes to make the relationship work I agreed. I asked what �taking it slow� meant and he really did not have a concrete answer, it was just a feeling he had. I have come to find out however what �taking it slow: entails�

No sex and no heavy making out (because this usually leads to sex)! It is so strange, I managed to go 23 years without having sex, Matt was my first, and now the idea of not having sex for an undisclosed amount of time is making me crazy. I am confused as how no sex will lead to a better relationship but that aside I am not sure how long I will be able to hold up under the sex strike. As a couple in the early stages of a relationship, and being each other�s first, we would do it almost everyday or at least every time we saw each other, now�nothing. It�s been over a month now and let me tell you, Gretchen is looking cuter and cuter every day.

Perhaps the sex had been clouding Matt�s judgment, as in he couldn�t distinguish between loving me and loving having sex with me, or having sex in general. Maybe he needs to separate me from sex in order to evaluate our relationship properly?

Whatever�I�m horny.