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January 08, 2004

3:32 p.m.: Locusts

When it rains it pours...I think my Aunt said it best today when she told me that she is now just waiting for the locusts, what else could possibly happen next.

Since so much has happened or is happening I thought a few mini updates were in order...

Matt: We were both off for two weeks for the holidays (I guess technically mine was not really a "break" seeing as though I quite the job just previous to the holidays). We talked on the phone a few times and I even managed to persuade him to come down and visit me at my parent�s house. Upon returning home, he has been much more attentive, calling me in the middle of the day to see how I am doing, planning diners and get-togethers...weird. I can't figure out if he has come to some sort of ephiany about our relationship and just how great I am:-) or if he is just putting in time because on Monday I am moving and he will not have to devote himself like this again.

The Test: I take the evil GMAT again tomorrow. I have spent 2 months studying with a private tutor and praying to God that I at least meet my grad school of choice�s minimum test score. If I don�t I suppose I can always accept on of the various job opportunities my Mom has been cutting out of the paper for me, she just has so much faith in me I love it.

Moving: Gretchen is leaving me this Saturday. I have to be all moved out by Monday. I am not ready to go. I have fallen in love with the city and Matt is here. I am also not looking forward to living at home, I just feel like such a failure even though it is temporary. I must get into school, I must get into school! A lot is involved in moving, besides the packing and the cleaning there are the calls to the various utility providers to cancel service, redirecting mail and such. I have discovered that I have moved 5 times in the last 5 years.

To top all this craziness off, my new beta fish died, the father of my best girlfriend from work pasted away and I just found out this morning that my cousin has MS. I am looking out the window for the rapidly approaching cloud of insects.