1 comments so far
March 06, 2004

3:27 p.m.: Shopaholic

Just a short note in order to let evetyone know just how pathetic I can be.

I was at the mall doing a little shopping when I was approached by a young man who told me that he needed to speak to me for a communications project at school. He said I looked like a lovable sort of girl so I sat down with him on the stairs leading to Nordstroms.

Of course he was selling something, magazines to raise money for a college scholarship. He was an excellent sales person and being in marketing and sales myself I could see through the ploys you have to do in order to get people to buy things from you (ie. compliments, eye contact, putting the product or price list in your hands...)

So why did I end up buying $46 dollars worth of magazines I didn't need...he was cute, super cute. I did not realize just how much I have missed male attention. He was cute and smiley and called me sweetheart and now I am out $46 bucks. Ah well, he made me smile which has not happened in quite awhile.