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April 25, 2004

10:23 p.m.: Ho Hum

They just put new carpeting in the hallway leading to my office. Actually, they replaced the old carpeting with a new version of the same carpeting. The carpet is a deep blood red making me feel as though I have jumped into a scene from The Shinning every time I step off the elevator.

I am sad today; it�s amazing how alone you can feel even when you are surrounded by people. My friend Jen and I went to the zoo today and even though I had fun and enjoyed spending time with her I couldn�t seem to shake the sullens. I miss my old apartment that Gretchen and I shared, I miss my little college town, I miss Matt, I even miss my old job that I complained so much about. I am hoping that with some more time I will acclimate a little more to my new surroundings and such. Until then I will sit and wait for Matt to IM me�