
Tiffany - 2003-10-11 10:56:49
It said you had 0 comments and i love being the first to sign! I haven't even read your diary yet but...i'm sure it's good. bye!~~~Tiffany--AKA~~Fire
Kendra Koto - 2003-10-11 19:21:54
Haven't read your diary yet either, but I wanted to sign. I'm sick right now, so maybe I'll read your diary later. Yes, that sounds nice... ^.^ ~Kendra
hi - 2003-10-11 21:51:26
that's strange you played soccer for so long and don't like it? neat layout! bye!
Cindy - 2003-10-11 23:09:29
football is cool. you just have to give it a chance. you don't have to understand it, but there's just something about guys randomly running around and throwing a ball around.... oh yeah, and you need to watch it in person because it actually does suck on tv!!

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