
Katie - 2003-11-25 19:11:04
Awwwwww, so cute. *pout* Now I need to find myself a boyfriend that nice. I can empathize about the math...I did my SAT II and while I got 750 on Writing, I defenitely got 430 on the math. Don't worry about it though. Those tutors are trained to make you do better. If they have a point-related guarantee that you don't meet, you can always nail them. So don't worry, you'll do fine!
ashlee - 2003-11-26 12:25:22
well, it has been a while since i left a note - just to tell ya, i had my baby on november 8th , thats why you havent heard my big mouth lol- i had viral pneumonia and preeclampsia, so they had to do an emergency c section , but all is well and my little 6 lbs 3 oz was fine - parker alxander - but ok anyway , finally , matt does a good thing!!!!!!!! i am so glad, you needed that - dont ya love the little good things???
larry - 2003-11-27 20:10:21
Advice on weight watchers....use all your flex points for the month. But i really don't know much anout it, just what my mom rambles on about.

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