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November 18, 2003

3:25 p.m.: Wedding and Stuff

I had my weekly Weight Watchers meeting last night. So far I have lost 11.2 pounds! I am super excited. I managed to loose almost two pounds this last week even with the wedding I attended on Saturday. Saturday was definitely a high point day. After the wedding ceremony, which we just made it to thanks to hellacious California traffic, Matt and I decided to stop at Dell Taco, just in case there wasn't any food at the reception. The reception was at 2pm, right after lunch and right before dinner so we didn�t want to risk it. Of course there was food at the reception, appetizers and a full meal. You would think that after stuffing our faces at the Dell Matt and I would restrain from eating at the reception, you could think that but you would be wrong. We both enjoyed a full plate of cheese and fruit and then did not shy away from the Chicken (for Matt), rice, salad and veggie meal placed in front of us about an hour later. Then to top it off, after the reception we joined Matt�s Mom and brother for meal #3 in about 5 hours. Needless to say, Sunday was a low-key type of day in terms of food


Well, I have officially chosen my last day of employment at my current job. December 19th marks the end of my first real job after college, exciting and scary, scary because I will be unemployed and exciting because I am so ready to move on. I have not heard from my Grad school off choice yet, so I am not even sure if I am in or not. This means that right now I am not sure what�s going to happen to me after the 19th. If I am accepted I will need to find and apartment super quick seeing as though classes begin January 26th. If I am not accepted, well, I guess I am moving home? Eww and oh no!